The Gospel According to Larry
What is the author's style in The Gospel According to Larry by Janet Tashjian?

The point of view of this book is first person throughout, though the actual narrator varies from Janet Tashjian to Josh to Larry. The point of view is limited and reliable, and this is proven by the fact that Josh can only share his own thoughts and feelings. While he conjectures as to the feelings and thoughts of other characters, he cannot speak of them with any real authority. This point of view is important to the novel's plot because Josh writes his manuscript with the goal of sharing his side of the story, and by writing from his own perspective, he manages to do so. Janet Tashjian introduces and ends the narrative by insisting that Josh's story is his own, not a work of her imagination.
The novel is written using approximately seventy-five percent exposition, with the remainder of the story being told through dialogue. The exposition portion also includes emails and sermons posted on Larry's website. This distribution is very important since it allows the narrative to focus on why Josh invented Larry and the repercussions of his actions with his personal life taking a secondary role in the actual story as it apparently did in his life. The viewpoint of the story alternates between Janet Tashjian, Josh and Larry. Janet Tashjian's viewpoint is dominant in A Note To The Reader and the Epilogue, Larry's viewpoint is seen in his sermons and emails, and Josh's viewpoint possesses the remainder and majority of the novel. Though Josh is Larry, his alter ego definitely has his own viewpoint because Larry is much more opinionated and vocal than Josh is comfortable being.