The God of Small Things
Most characters have broken dreams. How is this true for Baby Kochamma?

Baby Kochamma is Rahel and Estha’s grand aunt, her grandfather’s younger sister. She is also called Navomi Ipe. In 1993, she is the only remaining family member to live in the Ayemenem house. When she was young, she fell in love with a priest, and converted to Catholicism. She joined a convent, thinking it would bring her closer to her love, but when this fails she returns home, resolving to stay celibate forever. She has a degree in Ornamental Gardening, and once maintained a beautiful garden at the house in Ayemenem. She considers herself to be all-sacrificing for others, but she often manipulates bad situations in the interest of her jealousy and desire for revenge. By 1993, she is obsessed with television and has let the house deteriorate severely.