The God of Small Things

Most characters have broken dreams. How is this true for Ammu?


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Ammu had dreams of being novelist or even working for the UN but these were only dreams: her life was a steady stream of tragedy. Ammu is Rahel and Estha’s mother. She dies at alone at age 31, after being exiled from Ayemenem for her illicit affair with the Paraven/Untouchable Velutha. She is also divorced from her Hindu husband, who abused her. Her parents have always favored her brother Chacko over her, and both she and the children are treated as unwanted guests by the rest of the family. Despite her outsider status, she is obsessed with her children’s education, and that they maintain the appearance of class status. Her efforts in this matter lead to her alienation from her children, before the family is separated. She has a two-week secret affair with Velutha, an Untouchable, which leads to her disgrace and exile from Ayemenem.