The Eye of the World
Who is Nynaeve al'Meara?

Nynaeve is the Wisdom of Emond's Field, a position that she is viewed too young to hold. She is a proud woman and confrontational, a result of always having to defend herself to, mostly, older men. She dislikes men in general, finding them ineffectual and stubborn. When the villagers of Emond's Field discover that Rand, Mat, Perrin and Egwene are missing they decide to go after them and bring them home. While the Village Council deliberates, Nynaeve informs the Women's Circle that she is going after the children, as she doesn't expect the Village Council to reach a decision any time soon. She catches up to them in Baerlon, and then she is caught up in their quest when it becomes clear the three boys are in danger. Nynaeve is separated from the children again after Shadar Logoth, forced to travel with Moiraine and Lan in order to find them again. She feels at war with Moiraine and in competition with Lan though it is entirely one-sided. She develops a respect for Lan and then stronger feelings that are mutual. Nynaeve and Lan talk about their feelings on the edge of the Blight but Lan can't be with her, certain that his only future is death. She plans to attend the Aes Sedai training with Egwene in Tar Valon.