The Endless Steppe; Growing Up in Siberia
Write a 5 bullet point summary on chapter 22
Write a 5 bullet point summary for chapter 22
Write a 5 bullet point summary for chapter 22
They board the trains for Poland again. One night, during a stop, she jumps out of the car to get fresh air. She waits too long and the train begins to move without her, possibly leaving her to die in the wilderness. Fortunately, a boy named Reiner sees her, throws himself from the train, scoops her up and tosses her back on board. He races to catch up with the train himself, but the door closes and nobody knows if he makes it. It is a long stretch of hours, but on the next stop, he appears, having grabbed the stairway on the last car and ridden in the freezing night until the train stopped again. Not a word is spoken, but Esther feels horrible about the incident.
The train arrives in Lodz and Esther sees her father. They are out of exile. He sees her in her sapogy and fufaika and immediately tells her she will need new clothes. Her new life is ready to begin.