The Eagle
The poem "The Eagle" isa vivid potrayal of different qualities of nature. Discuss your answer with reference.
The poem The Eagle

The poem The Eagle
Representations of the natural world are closely linked with the Eagle and the idea of freedom. The eagle in this poem is pictured "close to the sun"—another symbol of highflying freedom that is not controlled by the limitations of the earth's atmosphere. This area of the sky, just inside of and barely contained by the "azure world" of outer space, is what is meant by "lonely lands." Loneliness implies detachment or a lack of responsibility to any other thing, while referring to the eagle's perch as a different land once more enforces the idea that it is free of the rules and constraints that govern the lands of the earth. He is not, however, completely detached: as the poem's first words put it, the eagle "clasps" onto the side of a mountain. This verb usa