The Contender

Who is Henry Johnson from The Contender and what is their importance?

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Henry Johnson works at Donatelli’s Gym sweeping up. He suffered from Polio as a child, which left him with a permanent limp. When Alfred starts training at Donatelli’s Gym, Henry works with him. He holds the heavy bag when Alfred works with it and times his workouts. When Alfred begins fighting outside the gym, Henry replaces Dr. Corey as the third man in Alfred’s corner, alongside Donatelli and Bud Martin.

Henry is described as a friendly, caring individual. He also fills some of the void in Alfred’s life when James is no longer around. Henry and Alfred become close friends. At the end of the novel, we learn that while Alfred has been training to be a boxer, Henry has been training to be a trainer..... that Alfred has, in fact, been his responsibility since he started working out at the gym.


The Contender