The Concept of Law
Who is Ronald Dworkin from The Concept of Law and what is their importance?

Ronald Dworkin is Hart's successor to the Professorship of Jurisprudence at Oxford was his student Ronald Dworkin. Dworkin (born in 1931) is today one of the world's foremost philosophers of law and constitutional law scholars. He currently holds dual professorships at University College London and New York University. Dworkin's views stand in striking contrast to his teacher's, however. For instance, while Hart embraced a form of soft positivism, Dworkin rejects positivism in the law in nearly every way. Hart thinks that one can make sense of the existence of law largely independently of a moral theory, whereas Dworkin denies this. Dworkin thinks that law cannot even be identified without referring to its merits and he rejects the institutional focus of legal positivism.