The Buried Giant
What does a shared memory mean to Axl and Beatrice?
What is the relationship between a shared memory and the mist?

What is the relationship between a shared memory and the mist?
People have forgotten, but they have not forgiven. On the surface this situation may seem to be the best solution. In fact, once people get their memories back Sir Wistan predicts that the peace will end as the Saxons take their revenge. This is not good, but neither is the long term effect of not having memories.
Memories create identities of people and groups. In fact, people need memories to know who they are and where they are going. This is what Beatrice realizes. How can she and Axl convince the boatman of their love for each other if they have no memories of their shared past? They can't move forward together without their memories.
Knowing that the return of memories means war between the Saxons and the Britons, the theme addresses the issue of which is more beneficial to society, historical amnesia or collective memory.