The Black Stallion
The black stallion ch.7
What adds to Alec's distress at the port?

What adds to Alec's distress at the port?
The ship pulled into the dock opposite Brooklyn and Alec led the stallion out towards the silent crowd. All eyes turned to the Black who flung Alec from his feet and pounded back onto the ship. A policeman ran up with a gun in hand, but Alec said he could handle the Black. Alec blindfolded the animal with sweater, then led him out onto the pier where Alec's mother and father greeted them. The Black astonished Alec's parents. His mother, frightened after seeing her boy nearly trampled by the beast, nearly refused to let Alec keep the horse, but she saw the calm, self-reliant look in his eyes and faltered. His father agreed to let him bring the horse home, but the animal was to be Alec's sole responsibility.