The Best Little Girl in the World
What is the author's style in The Best Little Girl in the World by Steven Levenkron?

The book is written in third person from an omniscient point of view. This is the only option that would have worked to tell this story because the opinions, thoughts, and ideas of various characters are necessary in order to fully relate the story. The author does an adequate job of presenting the inner thoughts of the characters though several methods, including conversations. For example, the interaction and relationship between Susanna and her parents is presented through the eyes of Francesca and her parents, then later through the eyes of Sandy as he observes the three in a family session at the hospital. Similar aspects of the lives of Francesca and her family are offered in multiple ways so that the reader has a more complete understanding of what turns out to be an important aspect of Francesca's illness - her family.
The Best Little Girl in the World, BookRags