The Belly of Paris

Why is Florent so uncomfortable around women and why does he feel that they overpower him?


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Florent becomes aware of the powerful feminine presence of the market. At once, he is enveloped in a sea of women: "There stood a line of palantines (fur wraps which covered the shoulders), a display of big white aprons stretched over stomachs and enormous breasts and shoulders" (94). For Florent, who has never in his thirty years even so much as looked at a woman, the sight of so many women is somewhat intimidating. This feeling revisits Florent later in the chapter during one of Florent's tutoring sessions with Muche. The sight of La Normande's large breasts causes Florent anxiety. He is uncomfortable with the smells of women, and the ease with which the women of Les Halles seem to inhabit and own their bodies.