The Ambassadors
What is the author's style in The Ambassadors by Henry James?

James and his friend Howells introduced to American fiction the nineteenth-century conceit that art could truly represent life. In this novel, James' style shows that realist techniques do not always lead to straightforward understandings. James focused on the psychological experiences of Strether and recorded them in a natural manner. There is no theoretical jargon or explanation of Strether's mind, just a play-by-play description of Strether's mind processing his experiences according to his linguistic base.
Another area where James shows his realism is in conversation. Highly educated and witty characters perform the dialogues. Thus, facts and figures obvious to the characters are never spelled out. Thoughts by one character are completed by another as each tries to beat the other to a speculation. The ability to follow the exchanges as well as the allusions contained in the descriptions of Strether's mind are rewarded by amusement:
Considering how many pieces had to fit themselves,
it all fell, in Strether's brain, into a close, rapid order.
He was on the spot what had happened and what
probably would yet; and it was all funny enough.
The Ambassadors