The Alaskan Laundry

Who becomes Tara's mentor in the novel, The Alaskan Laundry?


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Newt, who Tara meets when she starts working for Fritz, serves as her mentor in the novel. He says wise things, such as what everyone is trying to accomplish on the island, supports Tara when she shows him the tug, and he tells her that it is her channel marker. As such, she must do whatever it takes to get it.

Newt "practices what he preaches" in working toward his own goal. He works hard, even after losing his eye, and finally gets the girl and the boat that was his channel marker. In getting his boat, though, he also makes sure that Tara reaches her dream. Newt negotiates with Petree to fix the engine on the tug. In return, Newt will buy Petree's boat.

Newt is both a team player and a leader.


The Alaskan Laundry, BookRags