The Age of Chaucer

The Age of Chaucer happened around the 14th century and was marked by 'CHANGE'. This was a time when the black plague had decimated the populations for a long time and the balance of power was shifted. This included a shift away from the church. Ideas and concepts that had been radically suppressed before were now finding a following. The literary movement of the age focused on such themes as the equality of mankind and the dignitiy of hard work, the miracle of nature, the joy of the everyday and mundane.
Chaucer's claim to fame (among other things) was his development and introduction of the heroic couplet. The Canterbury Tales shows this to perfection. The notions of chivalry are still prevalent during this ear. And, for the first time, literature was created and written in the common language of the common man and not for only the highborn to read. Chaucer also brought a type of realism to his writing that had not been prevalent in times prior to this. Many have called him the first great humorist of the age as his works tend to poke fun at, satirize, even sympathize with the foilbles of mankind. This is also reflected in the paintings and art work of the time as well as the scientific notions that took root.