The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
What is a great and funny experience of Tom Sawyer that could be good for a eulogy while staying in character of Becky Thatcher?

One humorous incident occurs at church in Chapter Five, when Tom trades other boys for tickets that will earn him a free Bible. To actually earn the Bible, children must collect tickets by learning two thousand Bible verses. Tom's new love, Becky Thatcher, arrives at Sunday school with her father, a judge. Tom proudly claims his Bible in front of everyone, but cannot name the first two disciples when questioned by Judge Thatcher.
Later in the service, Tom entertains himself by playing with a pinch bug. Bored, he remembers that he has a beetle in his pocket. He removes the insect from its little box, and unfortunately, the beetle chooses that moment to nip Tom's finger, causing Tom to toss it in the aisle, where a poodle wandering into the church, spies it, and snatches it up between its two front paws. Then to the surprise and to the amusement of many of those in the church, the beetle fights back and nips the dog on its chin. The dog seems to vow revenge and growls and snarls at the beetle for a short while but soon loses interest until the poodle unwittingly sits on the beetle and lets out an agonizing yelp. The poodle then lands in his master's lap and is promptly tossed out the side window. The whole incident is over in a matter of a couple minutes, but it buoys Tom's spirits enough to see him through to the end of the service.