The Adoration of Jenna Fox
what times in the book dose jennas parents lie to her?
when dose jenna not trust her parents? at antyime in the book.

when dose jenna not trust her parents? at antyime in the book.
When Jenna is critically injured in an accident, her parents are unable to accept her death. They go through several illegal measures to recreate her body, using Bio Gel, and they inadvertently cause Jenna horrific suffering as she lay in a "coma." In reality, her brain is uploaded to a biological holding center, where Jenna is able to recall living in blackness, begging to die. After she is given a new body, her parents whisk her away to California, and give up nearly everything to protect her existence. When she expresses a need to set her backups and those of her friends, free, her parents again are unable to handle the idea that Jenna could perish. Throughout the novel, each step they make is done to preserve their daughter, at any cost. It is only when Jenna is much older, and has her own child, that she is perhaps able to somewhat understand her parents' decision. She has her own child and knows she would do anything not to outlive her.