The Adoration of Jenna Fox
Describe the relationship between two people.
jenna and ethan

jenna and ethan
Ethan is Jenna's love interest in the novel. As a student at the charter school, Ethan is intelligent, but is considered a danger, as he nearly beat a man to death in the past. Jenna learns as she gets closer to him, however, that Ethan's reasons for beating the man were not as simple as just anger. A dealer gave his thirteen year old brother HCP, a drug, and his brother was immediately hooked. Furious, Ethan sought out and found the dealer, and beat him beyond unconsciousness with a bat. Ethan knows he is not a monster, but he is certainly a danger. Ethan helps Jenna to see that although she is certainly different, she is not a freak, and she is still human, regardless of what others think. Ethan also helps Jenna accept herself. At the end of the novel, readers learn that Ethan and Jenna were married for his entire life, and that following his death, she used his sperm and her egg to produce a child, Kayla.