Ten Little Indians

How does Sherman Alexie use imagery in Ten Little Indians?

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Examples of Imagery:

"By and large, lobbyists are as wicked, revenge-minded, poetic, intelligent, candid, and hilarious as any stand-up comedian." ("Lawyer's League," pg. 55)

"What kind of life had she created for herself? She was a laboratory mouse lost in the capitalist maze. She was an underpaid cow paying one-tenth of the mortgage on a three-bedroom, two-bath abbatoir. And where the hell was her waiter?" ("Can I Get a Witness?" pg. 71)

"My wife grabbed Chocolate Thunder and used it like a drumstick to pound her hand drum. My wife sang the most beautiful song anybody ever heard in that place. She sang like 10,000 Indian grandmothers rolled into one mother. All the while, Chocolate Thunder sang with her and turned the whole thing into a healing duet." ("Do Not Go Gentle," pg. 100)


Ten Little Indians