Tell No One

What information does Dr.Beck request from the medical examiner? Do you think Dr Timothy Harper was being evasive or forthright? Explain your response

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In Chapter Twenty-One, David goes to the Sussex County Coroner's Office and talks with medical examiner Timothy Harper. He asks for Elizabeth's autopsy files, and Harmer says he doesn't have them on the premises. David asks if Hoyt Parker had immediately identified Elizabeth's body or if he'd had to think about it. Harper first says he doesn't understand the point of the question but then answers, saying that he doesn't remember anything unusual, so he would assume that Hoyt had not hesitated. Under additional questions from David, Harper says that the federal authorities were already here when Elizabeth's body arrived, and he supposes that it's because the police who discovered the body had reported the brand, putting the murder as one of KillRoy's. David says that he'll return the following day for the autopsy file.

In my opinion, Harper is being evasive. One.... why aren't the autopsy files on the premises. Two, I cannot picture a medical examiner saying that he doesn't understand the point of David's question. Harper is supposed to be helping with the investigation.


Tell No One