Swimming Lessons
Who is Tehmina from Swimming Lessons and what is their importance?

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"One Sunday," Tehimna is Najamai's next-door neighbor in C Block, to whom Najamai has entrusted keys and given permission to use her new fridge. Tehmina holds cloves in her cheeks to fight nausea and toothache, and is waiting for her cataracts to ripen to the point they can be removed. She lets herself into Najamai's flat to fetch ice for her morning lemonade and evening Scotch and soda. In "Of White Hair and Cricket," Tehmina is shown as a pious spinster who nonetheless curses the kuchrawalli who dares pass in front of her while sweeping, since this pollutes and weakens her prayers at dawn. In later stories, Tehmina's cataracts are gone and she dresses fashionably.