Swimming Lessons
What is the setting of Swimming Lessons by Rohinton Mistry?

Swimming Lessons: and Other Stories from Firozsha Baag, by Rohinton Mistry is set primarily in Bombay, in the mid-1960s (as established in "Of White Hair and Cricket," when it is said to be 17 years after the British pullout from India. The most of the stories are set in flats of the Firozsha Baag apartment complex. There are three "blocks," designated A, B, and C. Most of the residents are middle class Parsis (Zoroastrians), and each block has one prominent resident of which it boasts. The blocks surround a gated courtyard in which the children play. After being flagstoned, the courtyard ceases to be any good for playing cricket, so they look for other games. The buildings have long been in ill repair, with plaster crumbling and plumbing leaking. The owners resist doing anything beyond what is strictly necessary to keep the building open.