Such a Pretty Girl
What is the author's style in Such a Pretty Girl by Laura Wiess?

This novel is written in the first person point of view of Meredith Shale. Meredith writes the story as she experiences it. The reader is allowed to know what is going on in Meredith's mind and what she is feeling, but the thoughts and emotions of other characters are not given unless it is through Meredith's observations. This point of view is appropriate because it keeps the reader focused on Meredith and what she is thinking and observing as she goes through the week following her father's release from jail.
The novel is probably about 75 percent exposition and 25 percent dialogue. Most of the story is told through Meredith's thoughts and emotions about what is going on around her and what is happening to her. Her line of thinking is very important as she goes from trying to push her father away by being distasteful to him to the point where she decides that if her father is to be stopped, it is up to her.
Such a Pretty Girl, BookRags