
What is the summary of Star Girl, Chapter 2?


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• Hillari is introduced as holding court at the door and tells Leo and Kevin that she thinks Stargirl is a plant hired by the school to inspire more school spirit.

• Kevin agrees and thinks it will help the newspaper if they expose her through their article.

• The second day of school, Stargirl comes to school in a Heidi costume.

• At lunch she looks around and stares at each person. When she approaches Kevin and he says hi, she ignores him and goes over to a senior and sings Happy Birthday to him.

• She continues to wear odd clothes every day. In classes, she acts just as odd making up songs and singing them.

• The school also finds out that she has a pet rat that she brings to school each day in a canvas bag.

• Leo thinks about Stargirl a lot.


Star Girl