Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
Who is Aunt and Uncle from Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and what is their importance?
Lily's Aunt and Uncle Wu have one female child, Beautiful Moon. They have had no sons, and they live with Lily's father and family because that is the way a family like this is structured according to the rules of their culture. He works hard and is really the only man in the household who shows Lily much affection and humor. Aunt is a toothless, comical character who tries to make everyone happy and to keep the atmosphere light. She mentions more than once what a good sex life she and her husband have had.
Uncle is the one who takes pity on the girls sewing upstairs in the heat and allows them to sit outside to work, which is how Beautiful Moon gets stung by a bee. When these two lose their daughter, it is a sad, sad situation because she was all they had. Aunt stays away from Lily when she is pregnant, so that she will not bring her bad luck. They are both very sweet, lovable characters.