Snow Crash
what are the roles of Y.T. and Juanita and their significance in the novel.

Y.T. is a fifteen-year-old girl who has a job as a Kourier for RadiKS. Y.T. lives with her mother in a burbclave, and her mother does not know the extent of her job with RadiKS. Y.T. changes her clothes each morning and night at a local McDonald's to keep her mother in the dark. Y.T. is considered a thrasher, a hip teenage skateboarder who listens to thrash metal bands like Vitaly Chernobyl and the Meltdowns. Y.T. is an expert skateboarder and harpooner, and her upper body strength is above average due to using the harpoon in traffic.
Juanita Marquez is the former girlfriend of Hiro and the former wife of Da5id. Juanita's past accomplishments include pioneering the art of facial expressions and avatar development while she was working at Black Sun Systems. Juanita went to college with Hiro and dated him at one time. Juanita was also married to Da5id for two years but was divorced at the time of the story.