Small world
How does Philip Swallow's first day in Turkey go?

Upon arriving in Turkey, Philip Swallow first steps into a deep pothole and falls down. After enduring a frightening ride to Anitkabir to lay a wreath on Ataturk's tomb, his host tells him that it is a capital offense to show disrespect to Ataturk's memory. After that, Swallow is very nervous, asking permission to blow his nose. Then the man leading the group trips and falls and Swallow, having been told to do what they do, prostrates himself on the ground. He then learns that his lecture, "Literature and History and Society and Philosophy and Psychology" is actually originally intended to be "Literature and History" or "Literature and Society," etc. At the end of the evening, after a traditional meal, he develops diarrhea and ends up, in the dark, using his lecture notes as toilet paper.