Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie

How does Scott's Character grow in the book Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie?

How do his traits, emotions, actions, personality change from beginning of the book until the end?

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Over the course of the novel, Scott struggles in his freshman year of high school, trying to navigate the school, as well as new friendships. He loves to read, and he would love to share his enjoyment of books with others. His friends, however, have no interest and Scott is completely unaware of the fact that his love of learning will, in fact, have an effect on his friendships.

Patrick, however, is the exception. He isn't as intelligent as Scott, but he is the one person who enjoys the same things, and most importantly, gets Scott's jokes. Sadly, Patrick eventually moves away and Scott is unable to fill the void Patrick leaves behind. In addition, Scott must come to terms with the knowledge that he is going to have a baby brother..... by himself. Initially upset by the news, Scott soon comes to the realization that he is going to have a role in the baby's life.... a role he will need to fill. Thus, he begins a journaling..... bits of advice, information, little things his brother can use later in life.

Scott also broadens his horizons..... becoming friends with Lee, who he initially doesn't think he likes at all. To be frank, he can't manage to see past her appearance...... her exterior, something that she herself devised as a way to keep people at bay. With time, however, Scott come to see that they have a lot in common. They like the same books and share much of the same humor.

Although Scott continues to struggle with his homework and extracurricular activities, he has made a friend.... a girlfriend. Sadly, he continues to find exactly where he fits in at school a bit more challenging. His wake up call comes when Mouth tries to take his own life, something that teaches Scott that his actions have a bigger impact on others than he'd ever believed.


Sleeping Freshman Never Lie