Skeleton Man
How does Tony Hillerman use imagery in Skeleton Man?
"She parked where Chee's car would have been, got out, leaned against the door, and studied the place. The trailer looked as dented, grimy, and decrepit as she remembered. However, the windows were clean; she noticed, and she credited Jim with that since he was the only occupant. The axles, where the wheels would be replaced when time came to move, were covered with canvas to protect them from rain, rust, or whatever would damage such machinery. The little "pet flap" Chee had installed on the bottom of the entry door was still there even though the cat was long since gone."
"A deranged woman, thinking Chee was a Skinwalker and had witched her, had blasted the hole (just over the cot where Chee slept) with her shotgun. Cat, ears attuned to stalking coyotes, heard the intruder coming and dived under the flap, awakening Chee and, as Chee told the story, saving his life."
Skeleton Man