Shatter Me
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Adam comes to live in Juliette's cell at the beginning of the novel. The pair build a tentative friendship during this time but it is destroyed once Juliette is taken out of the cell and it is revealed that Adam was placed there to be a spy by Warner. Adam and Juliette went to school together when they were younger. He was a protective figure of Juliette but never got the chance to get to know her. Adam uses his knowledge of Juliette to earn his place as Warner's spy. As the novel progresses, Adam becomes much more than a cellmate, guard, and spy. He becomes Juliette's romantic interest and partner in escape.
Warner is deeply obsessed with Juliette, but for two different reasons. The first is the fact that with he can use Juliette for advancing his military agenda. He wants to use her power to torture rebels into giving him information about their activities. He also wants to keep his troops in line by using the fear of being tortured by her. In this way the soldiers that seek to usurp power from Warner will be less likely to attack him.
It is Kenji's mission to track Juliette's whereabouts so that she could be brought to Omega Point. He has also been helpful in spying on Warner's plans and other military secrets. Kenji was also assigned the task of monitoring Adam to make sure that Adam was not going to harm Juliette and that he was not one of the soldiers who is like Warner.
Winston is the doctor who looks after Juliette after coming to Omega Point.
Castle respects Julia, he and immediately wants to help her.