
what wick symbolizes ? in shadowshapers

page 55-56 , page 77-78 . page 117-118

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Wick is Sierra’s opponent in the narrative. He is an intense man with a large ego who takes a real interest in his work. His intense nature and interest in his work causes him to get too involved in the spiritualism he is studying. His ego causes him to try to show that he can be one of them when Sierra’s grandfather tells him that he will never be one of them. He thinks that he is smarter and knows what is best for the shadowshapers. When he tries to take over, he thinks that he is acting for the good of the shadowshapers. He does not realize the destruction he has caused or he does not care because it is for the higher good.

In this way, his character represents those who are behind the gentrification of Brooklyn. They think that their actions are helping the area. Instead, the actions are destroying the culture and history that give Brooklyn life.