Second Class Citizen
What is the conflict in Second Class Citizen?
What are the conflicts in the second class citizen

What are the conflicts in the second class citizen
One of the main conflicts is that of racism, which is developed through the account of Adah's experiences in England, where Black residents were routinely discriminated against and treated with contempt in the 1960s. Most notably, when Francis and Adah are evicted from their first home, it is challenging for them to find a new one because many of the ads specify “Sorry, no coloureds” (70). When they do find an ad without this caveat, Adah and Francis are turned away upon arriving to see the property by the landlady as soon as she sees that they are Black. Adah thinks the woman looks disgusted and terrified of her and Francis, and she walks away from the experience feeling demoralized. Adah is not the only character who suffers ill-treatment in England as a result of being Black. Mr. Noble was ruthlessly taunted by his white co-workers while working as an elevator operator, culminating in a devastating injury to his shoulder.