Second Class Citizen
Give full detailed account of Adah's move to London.
In second class citizen by buchi emecheta

In second class citizen by buchi emecheta
As a young woman, Adah longs to emigrate to England because she believes she will have greater opportunities for a career there. She arrives in London in Chapter 3 and very soon realizes that it is not the utopia she had always imagined. She must contend with virulent racism as she realizes that the only neighborhoods where she might live are the worst in the city; when she and Francis are looking for an apartment, most of the ads feature the caveat "Sorry, no coloureds" (70). There is a tight-knit community of other Nigerian immigrants in the city, but many are Yoruba, and they treat Francis and Adah with scorn and hostility. Adah and Francis's first apartment in London is in a rundown neighborhood on Ashdown Street, and her first job is at a library in North Finchley. This neighborhood is much more pleasant, full of gardens and trees and nice restaurants. The two neighborhoods are contrasted to show the segregation in London at this time, in which Black residents lived in squalor while many white residents were significantly better off
Second Class Citizen, BookRags