What is a major theme in this novel?

This is a coming of age novel so growing up and identity are major themes.
As young teenagers, the students at Claverage are all still searching for who they are and where they fit in. Before Cap arrives however, they all seem scared of trying to be themselves. Their one goal is to get through school without being bullied.
In comparison, Cap has been brought up to always be true to himself and because of this, fears no one. He knows as long as he stays true to his spirit, showing kindness and love to others, people will respond to him in kind.
That does not mean Cap has nothing to learn about life. The whole story is about him learning about a world beyond his hippy values. However, unlike the students he is far more open to new things and letting the new things in his life develop himself as a person. With this approach to life nothing can come as a real shock to him and nothing can affect him negatively. Rain's values have given him such a foundation he can take or leave anything he learns.