I need some of Rain's thoughts, character traits, and evidence from the book, Schooled.
it is using the steal stratigey: What the character says, thinks, the effects on others, actions and, looks

it is using the steal stratigey: What the character says, thinks, the effects on others, actions and, looks
Cap's grandmother, Rain has had a fascinating life. Living in San Francisco in the fifties and sixties, perhaps the city's most exciting time, she rejected capitalist society to become a leading figure of the hippy movement. First she participated in war demonstrations and then she founded the hippy commune Garland. It was here she really made her mark, becoming the commune's teacher and as Mrs. Donnelly's states, for a hippy, a very fierce teacher, blindly following the hippy doctrine. It was perhaps partly because of her inflexibility that people began leaving Garland until, after the death of Cap's parents; it was only herself and Cap left.
Still convinced that she was right and the rest of society was wrong, she home schools Cap at the commune, shielding him from any outside influences. As the reader observes, Cap has no idea of the most basic aspects of society.
The novel partly examines Rain's slow realization that she has been wrong to bring up Cap in this way. It begins when she breaks her leg. Consigned to a hospital bed, she has no choice, but to send Cap to a public school. Initially she is horrified by the results - Cap is bullied and feels miserable. Her views are vindicated. But as she spends more time on her own, thinking, she realizes that Cap's problem is that she has not prepared him to deal with people in the outside world. To them he is almost like an alien.
For someone as proud as Rain it is hard for her to accept she has been wrong, but in the end she proves she is woman of real substance. Out of the hospital, she sells Garland and buys a condo and a Mercedes and enrolls Cap at Claverage School. She claims that she will continue preaching and living by her value, however the reader is left to ponder how she will cope after so many years living on a commune.