Who is marta
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Marta Gonzelez's character changes considerably during the course of the narrative. At the beginning of the novel, her fear of Mrs Starch is so pronounced, that tears come to her eyes and she throws up. Marta also puts people in boxes. Mrs.Starch, for example, is a witch and Smoke is a moron. In addition, she lets the presented evidence guide her opinions. She is not a nature lover and complains about insects.
By the end of the narrative, though, Marta loses her fear of Mrs. Starch. She defends Nick instead of him having to defend her, and she causes Drake McBride to run away. She also stops putting people in boxes based on their past behavior. She realizes that Mrs. Starch is human and not a witch and Duane is intelligent and not a moron. Marta is the child who does not appreciate nature, but she learns to do so. She is also there to play devil's advocate when Nick tests his theories.