Say You're One of Them
What is the perspective in Say You're One of Them? It's stories.
narration/ perspective

narration/ perspective
Each of the stories in "Say You're One of Them" is told from the perspective of a vulnerable child living in Africa. In the story "An Ex-Mas Feast," the narrator is an eight-year-old boy living in the slums of Nigeria with his poverty-stricken family.
"Fattening for Gabon" is told through the first-person narration of Kotchikpa, a ten-year-old boy living in Benin with his sister and uncle.
"What Language is That?" is the shortest story in the collection, clocking in at just 10 pages. Interestingly, the story is told through second-person narration, meaning that the protagonist of the story being "you." It is clear that Akpan has made this choice to draw readers into the intimacy of the two young girls at the center of the story, and to force the reader to recognize the languages shared in their own intimate relationships - be it with friends, family members or lovers.
"Luxurious Hearses" is told through the perspective of sixteen-year-old Muslim boy Jubril, who is hiding out on a bus of Christian refugees. The point-of-view of this story stays very close to Jubril and the reader is given direct access to the boy's thoughts, fears, and desires.
"My Parents' Bedroom" is told through the first-person narration of nine-year-old Monique.