Say You're One of Them
My Parents Bedroom
The Impact of Stereotype,xenophobia and discrimination?

The Impact of Stereotype,xenophobia and discrimination?
Stereotypes: Mama and Monique's looks are distinctly Tutsi, high cheekbones, narrow nose, sweet mouth, big eyes, and lean frame. Monique then contrasts her mother's appearance with her Papa's Hutu look: very black, with lips full as bananas, and a wide nose. Monique is a blend of both of her parents, but she looks like her mother. Her looks, however, also put her in danger.
Xenophobia is seen throughout the story, based upon the Hutu's hatred of the Tutsi people, and the genocide enacted against them. The Tutsi people are murdered, forced to hide, and massacred when discovered.
Discrimination can be seen in the need for the Tutsi people to hide, the constant danger. Monique, whose parents' marriage is frowned upon becomes a tool for those who are intent upon attacking and killing the Tutsis. She is a mere girl, and yet, she is raped because of her heritage, even her father gives into the pressure and threat of danger, deserting his girls and following the mob.