Sarah's Key
How does Tatiana de Rosnay use imagery in Sarah's Key?

Imagery is often used to describe the novel's characters;
“The girl thought she looked tired, old, much older than her thrity years.”
"The eyes of a woman in the face of a ten-year-old girl."
“How was it possible that entire lives could change, could be destroyed, and that streets and buildings remained the same, she wondered.”
And horrors.....
“Finally, the lock clicked and she tugged the secret door open. A rotten stench hit her like a fist. She drew away. The boy at her side recoiled, afraid. Sarah fell to her knees. Sarah could not speak, she could only quiver, her fingers covering her eyes, her nose, blocking out the smell.....She sank to her knees again and she screamed at the top of her lungs, she screamed, for her mother, for her father, screamed for Michel.”
Sarah's Key