Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior
Who is Sei and Mitsu Fujimoto from Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior and what is their importance?
Sei and Mitsu Fujimoto are a Japanese-American couple living in the deep Pelekunu Valley on Molokai Island, the Fujimotos are old friends of Mama Chia, who is the midwife who delivers their baby, Toby, early in the book. In her early 40s, Mitsu miscarried ten years earlier and is desperate to deliver this child alive. Sei, known as Fuji, works as a gardener/handyman, but his true love is photography. He practices it for 30 years and then loses everything in a fire. He mourns the loss as he had his stillborn child until he realizes that photography has taught him to see life in a different way: as beauty and harmony. It is like the Zen masters telling students that anything they do is to get them across the river; once across, one no longer needs the boat.