Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
The summary of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, Chapter 7

• When Mrs. Logan tells Stacey she has time to shorten the sleeves on his new coat, he has to tell her that he has given the coat temporarily to T.J.
• Mama orders him to get it back, but Uncle Hammer overrides her and says that Stacey will have to live with his decision.
• Just before Christmas, Mr. Logan returns.
• Good foods are fixed for Christmas and enticing aromas come from the kitchen.
• Uncle Hammer and Mr. Logan remember the pranks of their childhood.
• Mr. Morrison tells how his family was killed in Shreveport at the end of Reconstruction.
• Two teen age boys came to their home because they had been accused of molesting a white woman.
• Night riders came with sabers and began hacking and killing.
• They burned down the house and killed everyone.
• Mr. Morrison was only six, and his mother threw him in the bushes to save him.
• But she wasn’t able to save herself or the rest of her family.
• The adults discuss a plan to purchase supplies in Vicksburg and avoid the interest and high prices at the Wallace Store.
• Two dozen families have agreed to do so as well if they can get credit.
• The Logans are afraid to put their land up as collateral.
• For Christmas, the Logan children receive books from their parents and clothes from Uncle Hammer.
• Jeremy Simms comes by and brings nuts and a flute he made for Stacey.
• The next day, Mr. Logan, Uncle Hammer, and Mr. Morrison go to Vicksburg in the Packard.
• Mr. Jamison the lawyer comes to visit after they return.
• He offers to give credit and warns the Logans that this will be a fight.
• A few days later, the men take a wagon to Vicksburg, and they return 2 days later with bales and boxes.
• Harlan Granger visits and attempts to talk them out of shopping in Vicksburg.
• He warns them that they might lose their land, but the Logans are determined.