Robin McKinley
What is the setting in the book Beauty by Robin McKinley?
setting in the book Beauty by Robin McKinley?

setting in the book Beauty by Robin McKinley?
A brief opening scene introduces Beauty's family—her father and three sisters—who live in wealthy circumstances. Their lives are changed abruptly, however, by the devastating loss of the father's merchant ships, which leaves them virtually penniless. They move to the countryside to live more simply, and McKinley's carefully chosen details render the family's new rural environment believable.
In contrast to the family's simple home is the dark, dangerous forest that lies behind the farm house. Although he has been warned against entering, the father takes a short cut through the forest on his return from a long journey. There he discovers a mysterious castle occupied by the Beast. The subsequent action of the novel unfolds in this remarkable castle in an atmosphere of enchantment. Doors open themselves, candles light themselves, and clothes put themselves on. When Beauty comes to reside there, she finds that, no matter where in the huge castle she happens to be, her room is always just around the corner.