Refugee (Alan Gratz)

What emotions do Josef express in the novel refugee

Josef goes through a lot in the novel so through the novel what emotions do Josef show in consequence of his situation

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Gratz uses the theme of abdication of personal responsibility to show how refugees are treated on their travels, and to show to the reader how these situations become exacerbated. Often, people in the novel use the excuse of just doing one’s job, or following orders, or trying to survive.

Gratz also uses the theme of invisibility to show to the reader how refugees feel on their journeys. This theme complements the theme of abdication of personal responsibility. By treating refugees as if they are invisible or not there, individuals assuage their guilt and responsibility for another human being’s suffering. The passing over of individuals demonstrates the struggle between self-preservation and helping others. Gratz also uses this theme to show how each of his characters grows through their experiences in the novel.