Refugee (Alan Gratz)
summarize pages 87-92
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On pg. 87, we are once again with Mahmoud in Kilis Turkey, 2015 “2 days from home” (87). The chapter starts with “Mahmoud could hear music beyond the fence” (87). His family had walked from Syria to the Turkish border, using their iPhone map for directions. Mahmoud and his family are among hundreds of other refugees. At the Turkish border they receive temporary visas, and walk into a sea of white canvas tents. Mahmoud’s father goes to find a bus so they can get on their way to Greece. He knows a smuggler who can get them into the European Union. Mahmoud finds a teenage mutant ninja turtle in a box of toys which he buys for Waleed. A car drives by with a wedding procession, but soon Mahmoud’s father is back telling him they need to leave immediately.