Refugee (Alan Gratz)
summarize pages 40-48
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TOn pg, 40, the perspective changes to Isabel as she returns home with her father and grandfather, and they start cleaning her father’s wounds. Her father and grandfather start fighting about leaving Cuba, but Fidel Castro interrupts the baseball game on TV for an announcement saying that all who wish to leave Cuba may do so immediately, and legally. The family starts to fight again about leaving, especially since her mother is very pregnant, and Isabel suggests they all leave together. Her father says he does not have a boat, so Isabel goes to Ivan’s house to ask if they can go with him and his family in their homemade boat. Ivan says they do not have gasoline, so Isabel runs home, grabs her trumpet and the kitten and runs to a fisherman’s house whom she knows owns a gas powered boat. She gives him the trumpet in exchange for gas. She also asks him to take care of the kitten.