Refugee (Alan Gratz)
summarize pages 104-109
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On pg. 104, Mahmoud is now in “Izmir, Turkey” now “4 days from home” (104). Mahmoud and his family stand in a parking lot talking to the smuggler who says there is no boat today, and tells them to come back tomorrow. His family goes to a hotel for the night, but each room is already full - with three families apiece in each room. They try the park, but the park is also packed with people. A Turkish boy comes over to Mahmoud offering tissues and life vests, and offers to take the family to a place to sleep for the night, for a price. The family walks with him to an abandoned mall. The boy offers to sell them life vests and their father at first refuses, but the boy suggests the boat will flip or they will crash on the rocks, so Mahmoud’s father relents.