Red Prophet
Who is Lolla-Wossiky from Red Prophet and what is their importance?
A tame Red man who existed at Governor Harrison's beck and call, despite the fact that Bill had killed his father right in front of him and made no secret of it. He kept a handkerchief tied across his head where one eye was missing, to cover the empty eye socket. His hair was worn in a traditional Red style, with all but a strip down the middle plucked out. He wears a simple loin cloth with a fringe, and in his dream life, most white and red men alike think he is a drunk Red. Lolla-Wossiky has a secret though. He is seldom drunk. He drinks just a few careful swallows every day to keep the black noise away. He is confined to an area around Carthage Fort because he is dependent on those few swallows, because without them the black noise overwhelms him so completely that he looks falling down drunk even if he hasn't had a drink in days. Like most Red men, Lolla has had visions of his dream beast, and those visions have caused him to set out several times in search of it so that he can finally wake from his dream life, but the source of the call is so far away that he can't make it.