Red Prophet
Who is Gilbert La Fayette from Red Prophet and what is their importance?
Marquis de La Fayette, who believed that Canada was a repository for the dregs of French society, is a founder of the Club of Feuillants and was exiled to Canada to live out his life where he could do no harm. He has a knack of being able to read a persons most secret wish or desire, and it is a knack that enables him to guess at most everything else. Though not able to read minds, he can read motivation, and once he knows the desire, the rest is easy. Having been warned that Napoleon has a knack for making people want to serve him, he had his friend Robespierre send him an amulet that would render him immune to Napoleon's charms. Gilbert's intentions were to manipulate Bonaparte to serve democracy by ensuring that upon his return to France, he would be ready to end the ruling class tyranny instead of adding more crowns to the King Charles.