Ramona Quimby, Age 8

What is the setting of the story "The First Day of School" ?

Romana Quimby

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Last updated by Jill W
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The book is set mainly in the home and school of Ramona Quimby, the central character. Ramona lives with her parents and older sister in a residential neighborhood of Portland, Oregon. Both of her parents work, and after school, Ramona goes to neighbor's house, where she stays until her parents come home. Most of Ramona's interactions with her family members take place in the setting of their house. Ramona has her own bedroom, where she has arranged an area that has all of her art and craft supplies, as she enjoys drawing and making things.

Ramona attends Cedarhurst Elementary School where she is in the third grade. Ramona's experiences at school are a central part of the book and much of the action takes place there, primarily in the classroom of Mrs. Whaley, her teacher, and in the lunchroom. Ramona also spends some time in the school office, when she has the accident with the eggs in her hair and when she gets sick at school. The book also describes episodes that take place on the school bus to school.

The general time setting is not specified, but the book was first published in 1981 and is contemporary to that time. The action unfolds over the course of the first half of the school year, beginning in the early autumn and ending in November. The days are still warm enough for sandals as the book opens, and it ends on a rainy November weekend as the family is cheering themselves up with a meal at a restaurant.

