Purity of Blood
What is the author's style in Purity of Blood by Arturo Perez-Reverte?

The story is narrated by Inigo Balbao, who uses first person narrative. The narration is written as if Inigo is looking back at the events from so point later in his life, and he will often flash forward and reveal future details about the lives of the characters. When he relates scenes and incidents which he did not directly represent he does not usually explain how he knows what occurred. The implication is that he was later told what happened by those involved, and is now setting the whole thing down. Because the narrative is told by a character looking back in hindsight at the events from a distance of many years, the narration can in many ways be considered omniscient, because Inigo knows how matters turn out and in many cases knows the ultimate fate and the intentions and motivations of all those involved because history has by the point at which he is narrating exposed them. Inigo is quite frank about his own mistakes.